Tennis Betting Advice - March 2020

Keeping our heads in strange times...

Monday 16th March 2020

In your Ones to Watch email today:

  • Tennis tours on hold...

  • An unprecedented situation...

  • More information soon...

Tennis tours on hold...

There is nothing I’d rather be doing today than writing to you with some big-price outsiders for the latest tennis tournament.

We were supposed to be in Indian Wells this week, then off to Miami. But that March double is off. The pro tennis tours are on hold until late April, at it stands.

As I said on Thursday, things are changing fast. The coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is now very much here, and having a big impact on many areas of life.

This really is an unprecedented situation. I have no memory in my lifetime of the tennis & sporting calendars being disrupted to this extent. But then again, I can’t recall my local Big Tesco ever running out of toilet roll, either.

These are strange times. And of course, some things are way more important than sport. Health and human lives come first.

We can’t change the situation. But let’s hang on to this: the tennis will return. Maybe next month, maybe a bit after. But it will be back. And when it does, we’ll enjoy it more than ever.

With the global news moving so fast, we can expect more announcements in the next few days.

When it comes to the tennis news, I will keep in touch with you by email. There’s going to be lots to talk about, whatever happens, and the great thing about the internet is that we can all stay connected during this time.

I’ll be back in the week with an update, and details of my immediate plans for your Ones to Watch service.

Until then, take care.

Best wishes,

Oliver Upstone

Tom Wilson

Ones to Watch